Monday, April 13, 2009


使徒行传 27:25-26


心得:信心不是感觉, 不是眼见, 不是理由, 乃是在神的话语上抓住神。 -伊文思 (Evans)
经文是叙述保罗一个面对患难的经历, 当时他在航行时遇海难, 他们存活的指望几乎没有了,但神向他应许他和同船的人都存活。属灵伟人穆勒说过:“焦急的开始就是信心的约束, 信心的开始就是焦急的约束。”在舒适的环境中很难学到信心的功课。 保罗在活命的指望都没有的情况下,他紧紧抓住神的应许! “我相信上帝对我怎样说, 也必怎样成就。” 在黑云之下, 风波之中, 胜利的欢呼来自神的应许, 圣经中满了神要赐给人的应许, 信徒的智慧就是天天抓住神的应许

Acts 27:25-26

So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island."

Attainment: Faith is not based on feelings, seeing, or reasons, but holding on to God through His words. - Evans
This verse is describing the hardship of what Paul was experiencing, he was sailing while he came across a calamity, the hope of surviving for him and the people on the ship is almost none, but God promised that he and the crowd on the ship will survie. A great spiritual man once said: "The begining of anxiousness is the restriction of faith, the begining of faith is the restriction of anxiousness." Its hard to build our faith when we're living in a comfort zone. Paul held on to God's promises even when he has little chance of surviving! "for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me." When we're facing calamity, the sound of victory comes from God's promises, the Bible is filled with promises from God, it is wise to hold on to God's promises everyday!

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