Tuesday, April 14, 2009


以赛亚书 43:1-2


心得:神的同在就是:“你渡过江河的时候,水必不淹没你”。我们多么希望能亲自经历神与我们同在, 然而我们先要有渡江河的决心和胆识, 神应许水不淹没我们是当我们 “渡江河的时候”, 在行动中才能享受神给与的应许。 我们不能颠倒神的次序, 终日忧虑前面未来的难处, 盼望神先把前面几十里的路都铺平了; 但是神只肯照着他们的需要一步一的开路。

Isaiah 43:1-2

But now, this is what the Lord says- he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.


God's presence is: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you". How greatly we hope that we can experience the presence of God, but firstly we need to have the courage and determination to "pass through the waters", God promised us that the water will not sweep over us when we're crossing the rivers, we can enjoy the promises from God when we are acting out.

We can't change the procedure of God, worrying about the hardship of the future, hoping that God will first flatten the road ahead; but God will act according to His plan and open up the path step by step.


  1. Grace from God means man do not have to do anything in advance to earn for God's grace. Our Creator would give Himself to us because we are precious enough to Him!

    Why would One who is beyond the stars pay attention to rebel beings on this small planet? Guess that no one can understand His love for us...

    He simply does, and even though this particular people had broken their covenant with Him time and again, God's love ensure that we're STILL protected. Whoelse needs insurance? XD

    "You don't have to see the whole flight of stairs. You just have to take a step of faith now."
    ~Martin Luther~

  2. How can we understand and get God's promise if we do not take that step of Faith and let God do his work? We sometimes wonder why God allows us to go through trials but its through this trials that we can see God's guidance inside..

    神的意念高过我们的意念, we always find it hard to decify what God has in mind for us... but why should we doubt God when we know that He has plans only to prosper us, not to destroy us? :D
